Module main
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from flask import Flask, request,redirect,jsonify
from flask_restful import Resource, Api
from json import *
import requests
# from apiclient.discovery import build
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
from pyyoutube import Api as API_YOUTUBE
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# completionQuery interaction class
from interact import InteractWithGptModel
from ErrorSearchQuery.StackOverFLowPosts import GetDisplayInformation
#model_path indicates path where model is trained
model_path = "model/gpt2_medium_fine_tuned_coder"
max_length = 2560*2
temperature = 0.5
use_cuda = False #for now,we have used CPU to train models,Now, we will try to train much bigger models with more parameters and bigger dataset inorder to imporvise our model either using CUDA or some cloud service
gptModelInteractionWithExtension = InteractWithGptModel(model_path,max_length,temperature,use_cuda,None,None)
print("=========================MODEL LOADED SUCCESSFULLY==============================")
app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)
# class which is called in order to make get request to fetch stackoverflow posts based on query
class YouTube(Resource):
def get(self,encodedWebSearchTerm):
api = API_YOUTUBE(api_key=api_key_)
r=api.search_by_keywords(q=encodedWebSearchTerm, search_type=["video"], count=15, limit=15)
return jsonify(r)
# This class basically helps to fetch website links of stackoverflow and geeksforgeeks based on query
class NlpToCodeGoogleSearchUrl(Resource):
def get(self,key,cx,qry,num_urls):
num_urls = str(num_urls)
# The url is structured to do a custom search which only looks at StackOverflow and GeeksForGeeks sites.
googleSearchUrl = "" + key + "&cx=" + cx + "&q="+ qry + "&alt=json" + "&num="+num_urls
resp = requests.get(googleSearchUrl)
output = resp.json()
return output
# This class basically tells logic on how snippets are extracted from stackoverflow website based on query and programming language
class NlpToCodeSnippetStackOverFlow(Resource):
def get(self,address):
stackoverflowUrl = "https://"+self.replaceAll(address,"$",'/')
resp = requests.get(stackoverflowUrl)
snippets = []
soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.content, 'html.parser')
arrayOfCodeSnippets = (soup.find_all(id="answers")[0].find_all('code'))
if(len(arrayOfCodeSnippets) == 0):
arrayOfCodeSnippets = (soup.find_all('code'))
#considering only first n most relevant posts
for codeSnippet in arrayOfCodeSnippets:
currentCodeSnippet = codeSnippet.get_text()
# if(len(currentCodeSnippet)>0):
snippets.append(" snippet from " + stackoverflowUrl+" \n"+currentCodeSnippet + "\n")
return {"snippets":snippets}
return {"snippets":[]}
def replaceAll(self,query,text,format):
out = ""
for i in query:
if(i == text):
return out
# This class basically tells logic on how snippets are extracted from geeksforgeeks website based on query and programming language
class NlpToCodeSnippetGFG(Resource):
def get(self,address,langType):
# gfgUrl = "https://"+self.replaceAll(address,"$",'/')
gfgUrl = "https://"+self.replaceAll(address,"$",'/')
resp = requests.get(gfgUrl)
snippets = []
soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.content, 'html.parser')
#assuming that length of arrayOfCodeSnippets and languageTypes is same
arrayOfCodeSnippets = soup.find_all("td",class_="code")
languageTypes = []
lt = soup.find_all("h2",class_="tabtitle")
for i in range(len(lt)):
print("########################INSIDE GFG##########################")
if(len(languageTypes) == len(arrayOfCodeSnippets)):
for idxNo in range(len(arrayOfCodeSnippets)):
languageTypes[idxNo] = languageTypes[idxNo].lower()
if(languageTypes[idxNo] == "python"):
languageTypes[idxNo] = "python3"
currentSnippet = ""
codeSnippetsInsideDiv = arrayOfCodeSnippets[idxNo].find_all("div",class_="line")
for i in codeSnippetsInsideDiv:
codeSnippetsInsideCode = i.find_all("code")
line = ""
for j in codeSnippetsInsideCode:
line+=j.get_text()+" "
snippets.append(" snippet from " + gfgUrl+" \n"+currentSnippet + "\n")
for idxNo in range(len(arrayOfCodeSnippets)):
currentSnippet = ""
codeSnippetsInsideDiv = arrayOfCodeSnippets[idxNo].find_all("div",class_="line")
for i in codeSnippetsInsideDiv:
codeSnippetsInsideCode = i.find_all("code")
line = ""
for j in codeSnippetsInsideCode:
line+=j.get_text()+" "
snippets.append(" snippet from " + gfgUrl+" \n"+currentSnippet + "\n")
return {"snippets":snippets}
return {"snippets":["some error occured"]}
def replaceAll(self,query,text,format):
out = ""
for i in query:
if(i == text):
return out
# completion query is basically a advanced and much more intelligent snippet query which tries to complete code just by function names
class CompletionQuery(Resource):
def get(self,lang,query):
#lang must be either python or java as models are right now trained on python and java only
print("====================INSIDE COMPLETIONQUERY API CALL========================")
output = gptModelInteractionWithExtension.generate_output()
return {"snippets":output}
# except:
# return {"snippets":"Some error occured in completion query"}
#this class executes error query logic using get request
class ErrorAndSearchQuery(Resource):
def get(self,encodedSearchTerm):
return return_dict
#The below code tells that which calls should be called based on given URL.
if __name__ == '__main__':
#app is running of port 6615'6615')
class CompletionQuery
Represents an abstract RESTful resource. Concrete resources should extend from this class and expose methods for each supported HTTP method. If a resource is invoked with an unsupported HTTP method, the API will return a response with status 405 Method Not Allowed. Otherwise the appropriate method is called and passed all arguments from the url rule used when adding the resource to an Api instance. See :meth:
for details.Expand source code
class CompletionQuery(Resource): def get(self,lang,query): #lang must be either python or java as models are right now trained on python and java only print("====================INSIDE COMPLETIONQUERY API CALL========================") gptModelInteractionWithExtension.set_lang(lang) gptModelInteractionWithExtension.set_query(query) output = gptModelInteractionWithExtension.generate_output() print(output) return {"snippets":output}
- flask_restful.Resource
- flask.views.MethodView
- flask.views.View
Class variables
var endpoint
var methods
def get(self, lang, query)
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def get(self,lang,query): #lang must be either python or java as models are right now trained on python and java only print("====================INSIDE COMPLETIONQUERY API CALL========================") gptModelInteractionWithExtension.set_lang(lang) gptModelInteractionWithExtension.set_query(query) output = gptModelInteractionWithExtension.generate_output() print(output) return {"snippets":output}
def mediatypes(resource_cls)
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return lambda resource_cls: self.mediatypes() + [self.default_mediatype]
class ErrorAndSearchQuery
Represents an abstract RESTful resource. Concrete resources should extend from this class and expose methods for each supported HTTP method. If a resource is invoked with an unsupported HTTP method, the API will return a response with status 405 Method Not Allowed. Otherwise the appropriate method is called and passed all arguments from the url rule used when adding the resource to an Api instance. See :meth:
for details.Expand source code
class ErrorAndSearchQuery(Resource): def get(self,encodedSearchTerm): return_dict=GetDisplayInformation(encodedSearchTerm) return return_dict
- flask_restful.Resource
- flask.views.MethodView
- flask.views.View
Class variables
var endpoint
var methods
def get(self, encodedSearchTerm)
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def get(self,encodedSearchTerm): return_dict=GetDisplayInformation(encodedSearchTerm) return return_dict
def mediatypes(resource_cls)
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return lambda resource_cls: self.mediatypes() + [self.default_mediatype]
class NlpToCodeGoogleSearchUrl
Represents an abstract RESTful resource. Concrete resources should extend from this class and expose methods for each supported HTTP method. If a resource is invoked with an unsupported HTTP method, the API will return a response with status 405 Method Not Allowed. Otherwise the appropriate method is called and passed all arguments from the url rule used when adding the resource to an Api instance. See :meth:
for details.Expand source code
class NlpToCodeGoogleSearchUrl(Resource): def get(self,key,cx,qry,num_urls): num_urls = str(num_urls) # The url is structured to do a custom search which only looks at StackOverflow and GeeksForGeeks sites. googleSearchUrl = "" + key + "&cx=" + cx + "&q="+ qry + "&alt=json" + "&num="+num_urls resp = requests.get(googleSearchUrl) output = resp.json() return output
- flask_restful.Resource
- flask.views.MethodView
- flask.views.View
Class variables
var endpoint
var methods
def get(self, key, cx, qry, num_urls)
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def get(self,key,cx,qry,num_urls): num_urls = str(num_urls) # The url is structured to do a custom search which only looks at StackOverflow and GeeksForGeeks sites. googleSearchUrl = "" + key + "&cx=" + cx + "&q="+ qry + "&alt=json" + "&num="+num_urls resp = requests.get(googleSearchUrl) output = resp.json() return output
def mediatypes(resource_cls)
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return lambda resource_cls: self.mediatypes() + [self.default_mediatype]
class NlpToCodeSnippetGFG
Represents an abstract RESTful resource. Concrete resources should extend from this class and expose methods for each supported HTTP method. If a resource is invoked with an unsupported HTTP method, the API will return a response with status 405 Method Not Allowed. Otherwise the appropriate method is called and passed all arguments from the url rule used when adding the resource to an Api instance. See :meth:
for details.Expand source code
class NlpToCodeSnippetGFG(Resource): def get(self,address,langType): try: # gfgUrl = "https://"+self.replaceAll(address,"$",'/') gfgUrl = "https://"+self.replaceAll(address,"$",'/') resp = requests.get(gfgUrl) snippets = [] soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.content, 'html.parser') #assuming that length of arrayOfCodeSnippets and languageTypes is same arrayOfCodeSnippets = soup.find_all("td",class_="code") languageTypes = [] lt = soup.find_all("h2",class_="tabtitle") for i in range(len(lt)): languageTypes.append(lt[i].get_text(strip=True)) print(languageTypes) print("########################INSIDE GFG##########################") if(len(languageTypes) == len(arrayOfCodeSnippets)): for idxNo in range(len(arrayOfCodeSnippets)): languageTypes[idxNo] = languageTypes[idxNo].lower() if(languageTypes[idxNo] == "python"): languageTypes[idxNo] = "python3" if(languageTypes[idxNo]!=langType): continue currentSnippet = "" codeSnippetsInsideDiv = arrayOfCodeSnippets[idxNo].find_all("div",class_="line") for i in codeSnippetsInsideDiv: codeSnippetsInsideCode = i.find_all("code") line = "" for j in codeSnippetsInsideCode: line+=j.get_text()+" " currentSnippet+=line+"\n" snippets.append(" snippet from " + gfgUrl+" \n"+currentSnippet + "\n") else: for idxNo in range(len(arrayOfCodeSnippets)): currentSnippet = "" codeSnippetsInsideDiv = arrayOfCodeSnippets[idxNo].find_all("div",class_="line") for i in codeSnippetsInsideDiv: codeSnippetsInsideCode = i.find_all("code") line = "" for j in codeSnippetsInsideCode: line+=j.get_text()+" " currentSnippet+=line+"\n" snippets.append(" snippet from " + gfgUrl+" \n"+currentSnippet + "\n") return {"snippets":snippets} except: return {"snippets":["some error occured"]} def replaceAll(self,query,text,format): out = "" for i in query: if(i == text): out+=format else: out+=i return out
- flask_restful.Resource
- flask.views.MethodView
- flask.views.View
Class variables
var endpoint
var methods
def get(self, address, langType)
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def get(self,address,langType): try: # gfgUrl = "https://"+self.replaceAll(address,"$",'/') gfgUrl = "https://"+self.replaceAll(address,"$",'/') resp = requests.get(gfgUrl) snippets = [] soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.content, 'html.parser') #assuming that length of arrayOfCodeSnippets and languageTypes is same arrayOfCodeSnippets = soup.find_all("td",class_="code") languageTypes = [] lt = soup.find_all("h2",class_="tabtitle") for i in range(len(lt)): languageTypes.append(lt[i].get_text(strip=True)) print(languageTypes) print("########################INSIDE GFG##########################") if(len(languageTypes) == len(arrayOfCodeSnippets)): for idxNo in range(len(arrayOfCodeSnippets)): languageTypes[idxNo] = languageTypes[idxNo].lower() if(languageTypes[idxNo] == "python"): languageTypes[idxNo] = "python3" if(languageTypes[idxNo]!=langType): continue currentSnippet = "" codeSnippetsInsideDiv = arrayOfCodeSnippets[idxNo].find_all("div",class_="line") for i in codeSnippetsInsideDiv: codeSnippetsInsideCode = i.find_all("code") line = "" for j in codeSnippetsInsideCode: line+=j.get_text()+" " currentSnippet+=line+"\n" snippets.append(" snippet from " + gfgUrl+" \n"+currentSnippet + "\n") else: for idxNo in range(len(arrayOfCodeSnippets)): currentSnippet = "" codeSnippetsInsideDiv = arrayOfCodeSnippets[idxNo].find_all("div",class_="line") for i in codeSnippetsInsideDiv: codeSnippetsInsideCode = i.find_all("code") line = "" for j in codeSnippetsInsideCode: line+=j.get_text()+" " currentSnippet+=line+"\n" snippets.append(" snippet from " + gfgUrl+" \n"+currentSnippet + "\n") return {"snippets":snippets} except: return {"snippets":["some error occured"]}
def mediatypes(resource_cls)
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return lambda resource_cls: self.mediatypes() + [self.default_mediatype]
def replaceAll(self, query, text, format)
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def replaceAll(self,query,text,format): out = "" for i in query: if(i == text): out+=format else: out+=i return out
class NlpToCodeSnippetStackOverFlow
Represents an abstract RESTful resource. Concrete resources should extend from this class and expose methods for each supported HTTP method. If a resource is invoked with an unsupported HTTP method, the API will return a response with status 405 Method Not Allowed. Otherwise the appropriate method is called and passed all arguments from the url rule used when adding the resource to an Api instance. See :meth:
for details.Expand source code
class NlpToCodeSnippetStackOverFlow(Resource): def get(self,address): try: stackoverflowUrl = "https://"+self.replaceAll(address,"$",'/') resp = requests.get(stackoverflowUrl) snippets = [] soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.content, 'html.parser') arrayOfCodeSnippets = (soup.find_all(id="answers")[0].find_all('code')) print("###################arrayOfCodeSnippets#########################") print(arrayOfCodeSnippets) if(len(arrayOfCodeSnippets) == 0): arrayOfCodeSnippets = (soup.find_all('code')) print("###################arrayOfCodeSnippetsWithoutAnswers#########################") print(arrayOfCodeSnippets) #considering only first n most relevant posts for codeSnippet in arrayOfCodeSnippets: currentCodeSnippet = codeSnippet.get_text() # if(len(currentCodeSnippet)>0): snippets.append(" snippet from " + stackoverflowUrl+" \n"+currentCodeSnippet + "\n") return {"snippets":snippets} except: return {"snippets":[]} def replaceAll(self,query,text,format): out = "" for i in query: if(i == text): out+=format else: out+=i return out
- flask_restful.Resource
- flask.views.MethodView
- flask.views.View
Class variables
var endpoint
var methods
def get(self, address)
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def get(self,address): try: stackoverflowUrl = "https://"+self.replaceAll(address,"$",'/') resp = requests.get(stackoverflowUrl) snippets = [] soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.content, 'html.parser') arrayOfCodeSnippets = (soup.find_all(id="answers")[0].find_all('code')) print("###################arrayOfCodeSnippets#########################") print(arrayOfCodeSnippets) if(len(arrayOfCodeSnippets) == 0): arrayOfCodeSnippets = (soup.find_all('code')) print("###################arrayOfCodeSnippetsWithoutAnswers#########################") print(arrayOfCodeSnippets) #considering only first n most relevant posts for codeSnippet in arrayOfCodeSnippets: currentCodeSnippet = codeSnippet.get_text() # if(len(currentCodeSnippet)>0): snippets.append(" snippet from " + stackoverflowUrl+" \n"+currentCodeSnippet + "\n") return {"snippets":snippets} except: return {"snippets":[]}
def mediatypes(resource_cls)
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return lambda resource_cls: self.mediatypes() + [self.default_mediatype]
def replaceAll(self, query, text, format)
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def replaceAll(self,query,text,format): out = "" for i in query: if(i == text): out+=format else: out+=i return out
class YouTube
Represents an abstract RESTful resource. Concrete resources should extend from this class and expose methods for each supported HTTP method. If a resource is invoked with an unsupported HTTP method, the API will return a response with status 405 Method Not Allowed. Otherwise the appropriate method is called and passed all arguments from the url rule used when adding the resource to an Api instance. See :meth:
for details.Expand source code
class YouTube(Resource): def get(self,encodedWebSearchTerm): api_key_="AIzaSyCy8jgQFIVEq2qLBdZMSaHQOiDGAggQTeQ" api = API_YOUTUBE(api_key=api_key_) r=api.search_by_keywords(q=encodedWebSearchTerm, search_type=["video"], count=15, limit=15) return jsonify(r)
- flask_restful.Resource
- flask.views.MethodView
- flask.views.View
Class variables
var endpoint
var methods
def get(self, encodedWebSearchTerm)
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def get(self,encodedWebSearchTerm): api_key_="AIzaSyCy8jgQFIVEq2qLBdZMSaHQOiDGAggQTeQ" api = API_YOUTUBE(api_key=api_key_) r=api.search_by_keywords(q=encodedWebSearchTerm, search_type=["video"], count=15, limit=15) return jsonify(r)
def mediatypes(resource_cls)
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return lambda resource_cls: self.mediatypes() + [self.default_mediatype]